The number +123456789 is unverified. Trial accounts may only make calls to verified numbers.

1 min. readlast update: 08.05.2024

If you are using a trial account and cannot make outbound calls with CallFluent to a number (likely your number), it's likely due to Twilio's anti-spam measures. To resolve this, you need to verify the phone number you are calling to.

Steps to Verify a Phone Number:

  1. Log into Twilio Console: Access your account at Twilio Console.

  2. Navigate to Verified Caller IDs: Go to Phone Numbers > Verified Caller IDs.

  1. Add a New Caller ID:

    • Click Add a new Caller ID.

    • Enter the phone number to verify.

    • Select the verification method (Call or SMS) and follow the instructions.

  2. Complete Verification: The number will be added once verified.

For detailed steps, visit Twilio's Guide.


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