Sending Data & Triggering Calls for Outbound & Inbound Agents via form & webhook

4 min. readlast update: 08.07.2024

Welcome to CallFluentAI!

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to send data to an outbound agent and trigger calls for an inbound agent using CallFluentAI.

Learn how to embed forms on websites, test agent functionality, style form elements, send data via web forms and webhooks, map fields, and create Zaps for automation.


In this video you will learn how to embed forms on websites, test agent functionality, and style form elements for seamless integration.

We also cover sending data through web forms and webhooks, mapping fields, and creating Zaps.

🔍 What You’ll Learn:
- Sending data to CallFluentAI outbound agents
- Triggering calls for inbound agents
- Embedding and styling web forms
- Testing AI agent functionality
- Sending data via web forms and webhooks
- Mapping fields and creating Zaps for automation

Video Contents:
- Introduction
03:01 - Triggering Calls
04:48 - Web Form Integration


Step-by-Step Guide

1. Sending Data to Outbound Agents

  1. Configure Outbound Agent:

    • Ensure you have an outbound agent configured and ready to receive data.
    • Navigate to the "API and Forms" page in your CallFluentAI dashboard.
      CallFluent ai voice CRM integrations
  2. Embedding Web Forms:

    • Copy the embed code provided on the "API and Forms" page.
      ai support calls form embedding
    • Add the HTML embed code to your website’s page. For example, in WordPress, create a new test page, add an HTML block, and paste the code.
    • Publish the page and view the embedded form.
  3. Testing the Embedded Form:

    • Before sending data, ensure your agent is working correctly. Test the call by entering your phone number and triggering a call.
    • Verify the agent's response to ensure everything is functioning as expected.
  4. Styling the Web Form:

    • Customize the form’s appearance by adding CSS styles.
    • Add the CSS code above the embed code in your website’s HTML to style form elements as needed.

2. Triggering Calls for Inbound Agents

  1. Inbound Agent Setup:
    • For inbound agents, calls are triggered by dialing the Twilio number attached to the agent.
    • Ensure the Twilio number is correctly assigned to your inbound agent.

3. Sending Data via Webhooks

  1. Webhook Endpoint:

    • Each agent has a unique webhook endpoint provided on the "API and Forms" page.
    • Copy the webhook endpoint URL for your agent.
      ai voice calling integration webhook
  2. Mapping Fields for Webhooks:

    • When sending data via webhooks, ensure the fields in your JSON payload match the field names specified in the agent’s settings.
    • Example field names might include "name" and "phone_number".
      inbound and outbound ai calling webhook custom fields
  3. Creating a Zap in Zapier:

    • Trigger Setup:
      • Open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet with relevant data (e.g., name and phone number).
      • In Zapier, create a new Zap and select Google Sheets as the trigger.
      • Connect your Google Sheets account, select the spreadsheet and worksheet, and set the trigger column.
      • Test the trigger to ensure it finds the data.
    • Action Setup:
      • Choose "Webhooks by Zapier" as the action app.
      • Select "POST" as the action event.
      • In the webhook action, paste the copied webhook endpoint URL.
      • Set the payload type to JSON.
      • Map the fields from your spreadsheet to the agent’s required fields (e.g., "name" and "phone_number").
      • Test the action to ensure data is sent correctly to the agent.
  4. Testing the Webhook Integration:

    • After setting up the Zap, test the integration by adding new data to the Google Sheets.
    • Verify the agent receives the data and triggers a call correctly.


By following these steps, you have successfully sent data to an outbound agent and triggered calls for an inbound agent using CallFluentAI.

This integration ensures your agents can handle calls efficiently, providing high-quality, human-like interactions.

Stay tuned for our next tutorial on advanced features and actions.

For more in-depth tutorials and tips, visit our YouTube channel.

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