Customize Agent Behavior, Goals and Scripts - Fine-tune conversations for success

4 min. readlast update: 08.07.2024

Welcome to CallFluentAI!

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of fine-tuning your CallFluentAI sales agent for effective phone call conversations.

By customizing your agent's behavior, setting specific goals, and creating detailed scripts, you can optimize your sales calls for maximum success.


In this video we guide you through the process of fine-tuning your CallFluentAI sales agent for effective phone call conversations.

Learn how to customize your agent's behavior, set specific goals, and create scripts for consistent and successful calls.

🔍 What You’ll Learn:
- Customizing your CallFluentAI sales agent’s behavior
- Setting achievable goals for your AI voice agent
- Creating effective call scripts
- Using the Prompt Builder and Instructions
- Prompt Testing and refining your AI sales

Video Contents:
00:00 - Introduction
03:08 - Prompt Builder
07:06 - Instructions Prompt
09:34 - Templates Model
11:25 - Testing the Agent


Step-by-Step Guide

1. Accessing the Customize Behavior Section

  1. Login to CallFluentAI Dashboard:
    • Access your CallFluentAI dashboard and select your workspace.
  2. Open the Customize Behavior Section:
    • Navigate to the agent you want to customize and open the customization options.
      ai sales agent prompt builder

2. Selecting Agent Type

  1. Choose Agent Type:
    • Sales Rep: Optimized for pitching and converting leads.
    • Support Agent: Focuses on customer inquiries and support.
    • Lead Engagement: A raw agent that can be customized from scratch.
      ai voice calling agent types
  2. For this guide, select the Sales Rep type:
    • This type includes an extra feature for sales scripts, essential for consistent and successful calls.

3. Configuring the Sales Script

  1. Sales Script Field:
    • Toggle the sales script field on.
      ai voice prompts script
    • Provide the agent with a detailed script to follow during conversations.
    • Ensure the script contains exact phrases the agent should say to maintain consistency and conversion tracking.

4. Using the Prompt Builder

  1. Goal Field:
    • Define the agent’s main goal (e.g., convert the caller to book a meeting or make a purchase).
    • Example: "Your goal is to schedule appointments and handle inquiries for our medical clinic."
  2. Background Field:
    • Provide professional background information about the agent (e.g., experience, role).
    • Example: "You have 5 years of experience in sales and specialize in healthcare services."

      ai agent behaviour goal and background

  3. Instructions Field:
    • Detail how the agent should conduct the conversation, including greeting, speaking style, and specific information to provide.
    • Example: "Greet callers warmly, provide information on our services, and answer frequently asked questions."
      ai sales calls instructions

5. Testing and Refining the Agent

  1. Test the Agent:
    • Save your configuration and use the testing widget to simulate calls.
    • Enter your name and phone number to test the agent’s responses.
      ai voice calling test
  2. Review Call History:
    • Check the call history and transcripts to evaluate the agent’s performance.
    • Identify areas for improvement based on the conversation transcript.
      ai voice agents call history

6. Continuous Improvement

  1. Fine-Tuning Instructions:
    • Regularly update the instructions based on call recordings and customer interactions.
    • Add new information and refine responses to improve the agent’s performance.
  2. Using Templates:
    • Save custom templates for future use or for other agents.
      ai calls browse premade script templates

    • Edit and manage templates to streamline the agent creation process.
      ai calls instruction templates


By following these steps, you have successfully optimized your CallFluentAI sales agent for effective conversations.

Regular testing and fine-tuning will ensure your agent remains efficient and engaging, leading to better sales outcomes.

Stay tuned for our next tutorial on integrating your agent with web forms and actions.

For more in-depth tutorials and tips, visit our YouTube channel.

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